Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Day Jitters- NOT!

Finley and Meryl attended their first day of "school" today. An hour and half drop off program at park and rec. The only problem was around how to get there. Both girls knew they wouldn't take the bus, but that Mommy would drop them off. But Meryl thought she would still take her scooter, since the older kids scooter to the bus stop. Once we got that confusion cleared up it all went smoothly. They had a blast at "school." Phew.......


Gram & Gramps said...

So happy for you and for the girls. What is that "seat" they are sitting in? No question about it they sure are cute kids

Heather said...

It is the bike trailer.

Gram & Gramps said...

Okay now I can see it. Hope you did enjoy your time "off"